Frustration driven software developer.

Today I learned: Elixir and using environment variables with attributes

Considering the following code snippet:

defmodule Variables do
  @variable Application.get_env(:an_application, :variable)

  def get_compiled do

  def get_runtime do
    Application.get_env(:an_application, :variable)

with the following mix config file:

  import Config

  config :an_application, variable: System.get_env("VARIABLE")

when we do:

  VARIABLE="666" mix compile
  iex -S mix
  iex(1)> Variables.get_compiled
  iex(2)> Variables.get_runtime

but when we do:

  mix compile --force
  VARIABLE="666" iex -S mix
  iex(1)> Variables.get_compiled
  iex(2)> Variables.get_runtime

Because @variable is initialized at compilation time.

Lesson learned: use attributes only for variables that are statically set in config, for the rest like variables set with environment variables, define a function