Frustration driven software developer.

A day on the WikiWikiWeb

Today I spent a good chunk of my day reading articles on WikiWikiWeb, the first Wiki ever.

Here some of the ones that mostly resonated with me:

“You can ChangeYourOrganization or ChangeYourOrganization.” – MartinFowler

“Management puts you in a tank. You stay in that tank. Life is an illusion. Management is an illusion. Once you realize this, you can jump twenty feet in the air, dodge bullets, and generally Get Things Done.”

It is easy for other people to recognize a ChronicComplainer, but the complainers don’t recognize themselves as such.

I suggest any person interested in Agile methodologies and/or Extreme Programming to have a ride on this ideas train and breath some of the good stuff that yield to the Agile Manifesto, which is still one of the best things that happened in the way of conceiving our profession.

Choo Choo